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Newsletter 009 – Make Digital Your Goal

Hi to all Seekers of Change and Self-Reliance,


Where on earth does it come from?

This is a great opportunity to introduce you to Simon Sinek, if you haven’t already had the pleasure…

I’d also like to broach the subject of Self-Reliance and the need to take control of your life. Building yourself financial security (no this is anything but financial advice) first requires taking stock of your current situation….and sometimes being honest and taking a good look at oneself in the mirror.

Speaking of building and just out of nowhere, enjoy watching a skilled craftsman at work ….

On Today’s menu, we have..

READ“How To Become Self-Reliant”
WATCH“Where Passion Comes From“,
by Simon Sinek, Motivational Speaker
OUT OF NOWHERE“Woodturning The Pencil Globe”
                                               by Andy Phillip


book, read, old
<span class=has inline color has luminous vivid amber color>READ<span>

How To Become Self-Reliant

Hey, get this sobering thought!

For many of us, the following applies:

  1. The only person who can watch my back…. is yours truly.
  2. Only “I” am in a position to help myself gain and maintain the quality of life that I aspire to for myself, wife and family.

Click to

Feel free to leave your comments, as I’d love to learn about your take on self-reliance.

skin, eye, iris


Where Passion Comes From

Simon Sinek, awesome motivational speaker, giving you his take on where passion comes from. Enjoy!

Where Passion Comes From

magnifying, glass, detective
<strong><span class=has inline color has luminous vivid amber color>OUT OF NOWHERE<span><strong>

Wood Turning – The Pencil Globe

I love watching a craftsman in action. Here’s an amazingly creative way to craft your own GLOBE.


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