Hands up if you’re going stir crazy!
Lockdown + Curfew 1 month later… I’m still sane, but I’m sure that’s only because I go out each day either for my power-walk or my run.
If I miss a day, I become jittery as my body punishes me for not taking it out for a drive.
I love listening to Podcasts whilst I’m out and about. I’ve suggested one below: Dan Carlin ‘s Hardcore History (EPIC!).
This week on the menu, we’ve got slightly less than the proverbial 57 Heinz varieties.
However, each one is chosen to get you thinking out of the box, as we get swept along by the current…
READ | “Blockchain Is Impacting The World’ |
WATCH | “The Only Way To Stop Procrastinating“, by Mel Robbins |
LISTEN | “Hardcore History Podcast”, by Dan Carlin |
OUT OF NOWHERE | “B.R.I. aka O.B.O.R.” |
Catch you soon
Blockchain Is Impacting The World
It has been non-stop in the media since 2018, growing to a crescendo in 2020:
- Blockchain
- Cryptos: Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin…Libra (Facebook)
- Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC).
Blockchain is a revolution-in-the-making.
It hasn’t quite gained Mass adoption status.
It is, however, here to stay. PERIOD. It is and will continue to create shock-waves throughout many industries.
A Disruptor par excellence…….. click to read more….
Feel free to leave your comments!
Mel Robbins
Check out Mel Robbins who gives some sound advice on how to combat Procrastination
in 3 minutes 37 seconds
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History
Dan Carlin is one of my favourite Story-Tellers.
A self-confessed non-historian, he has a unique gift of dumbing-down and making History accessible to all and bringing it to life with his enchanting voice.
You would have adored having him as your history teacher.
His podcast “Death Throes Of The Republic” is an epic take, on the slow decline of the Romain Empire.
Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) aka OBOR (One Belt One Road)
The world is in constant flux. Society is changing and is on the move. So many new technologies are impacting our lives more and more:
- Renewable Energy
- Blockchain Technology and Cryptos
- 5G
- Artificial Intelligence
- Genome Gene Sequencing, Testing and Editing
- Electric Vehicles
- TAAS (Transport As A Service) and Autonomous Vehicles
are but a few.
However, the Economic World Order is also changing in the background.
Have you heard about the BRI: Belt And Road Initiative aka OBOR: One Belt One Road
This is a visionary play by China, to improve and extend its economic clout throughout the globe. They started in the last decade.
Their vision projects China into the next 2, 3, 4 Decades.
Ambitious is not the word.
The cost will be astronomical. Will it succeed?
Check out an article by the World Bank on the BRI