Fit Exercise into YOUR Daily Routine

Feeling a little less toned up these days? The paunch is creeping over the waistline? The Bingo wings coming on nicely….

No time to devote to myself!

I’ve got an empire to run!

I haven’t got time for exercise.

I’m rushed off my feet.

No rest for the wicked.

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.

William Penn (1644-1718)

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Well! it’s true. It really can be otherwise in many cases. Most people are “full-on” these days:

  • Parents are doing a fine balancing act, undertaking amazing feats:
    • drop-offs
    • a quick dash for the bus or Underground or worse still, stuck in a traffic jam
    • a quick sandwich at your desk for lunch at work
    • oh! is it home time, already ?
    • followed by another dash to get back in time for the pick-up
    • back home to motivate the kids to do their homework
    • take out clean laundry from washing machine
    • put dirty laundry in washing machine
    • prepare dinner
    • fold up dry laundry
    • get kids into the shower
    • family round the dining table
    • brush those teeth
    • quick story in bed.
    • Lights out!
    • Time to take a breather
  • Single people or couples can be just as rushed off their feet with work, clubs, associations and Netflix-binging

So you’re thinking, how can I fit exercise into my crazy daily routine?

Yes! It is feasible!

But you have to show willing, otherwise it simply just ain’t gonna happen, cupcake!

For Starters….

Drink Water First thing in the morning. Your body has been deprived of water for maybe 8 hours. Do your brain a favour and re-hydrate it with at least a pint or half a litre of water. This simple gesture can benefit your system and:

  • it can help eliminate toxins
  • it will rinse out your water-works
  • it can reduce the risk of bladder infections. Hey! Seriously, your kidneys will thank you for it
  • it will replenish your brain. Did you know, the brain of an adult is on average 1300-1400g or 3 pounds and it contains about 70% water?
  • it will make you more alert
  • and it will cost you exactly nothing. Zilch, Nada, Nashi, Nichts, Nichego ( ничего )

Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.  

W.H.Auden (1907-1973)

Action Gear

First thing’s first: get yourself equipped with the following gear

  • A pair of trainers + running apparel         if that is to be your choice
  • A pair of adapted comfortable shoes + some light non-clingy clothes for the power-walkers amongst you (or add a few extra layers for cooler climes)

and make sure your gear is with you or at hand at all times:   either in your bag, or on you, or in your car or at work:

You are now in a position to make a choice!

No more lame excuses.

Sometimes it’s the smallest decisions that change your life forever.

Keri Russell

Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

Need to nip to the shop?

Forget the car unless you are living in the sticks! In which case, you park further away from your destination.

Get your “action gear” on, cos YOU are going to walk it…….. or run it if you think you are up to it! Take your kids with you if feasible or necessary. If you want tips on “starting running” click here. This should give those beginners some encouragement.

Can a buggy wheely-board help to transport the toddler ?

If yes, take it!

If you haven’t got one, it might be worth buying one or borrowing one to help you on the road to your new active lifestyle, burning off those calories.

When you can off-load your kids at their various activities, this is your opportunity to get your booty moving: a quick power-walk or run, even if it’s just 20 minutes or half an hour.

Make the commute work for you

If you can get up early and take an earlier train, then this will be ideal.

Maybe you can take turns with your partner in doing the kiddy drop-off + even the pick-up, so that at least one of you can take this opportunity to get your body moving.

If you can, then wear your “action gear” on the way to work. You can change once you get there. If there is a shower at work or if you are member of a gym club close to work, this is great.

Wear comfortable walking shoes if power-walking is your preference, otherwise running trainers. Take a slimline back-pack with you, enough to put your work clothes in there. If you can leave your shoes at work, then this will lighten your load.

Shall we begin… ?

When you get off that Bus, that Underground, that Train, a few stops before you usually get off, then this is your chance to kick-start that metabolism.

Hey! It’s not because you’re about to do a bit of exercise that you can stop off and treat yourself to a Latte or a Capuccino with extra Chocolate topping. Push that thought out of your mind.

Did I forget to say?  BRING A BOTTLE OF WATER.      No Plastic!         

A Thermos bottle is great as you can also use it in work and you’ll feel better as you won’t be wasting plastic or paper cups. You might want to get some fruit on your way to work so you can avoid those Muffins and Viennese pastries that will undo all that good.

A Regular Thing….

Make this a regular commitment. It could be, you simply do that walk, that run on your way back home.

If you organise yourself with your partner, you might want to get a baby-sitter.

Instead of a candle-light dinner, this could be the chance to save money and go on a lovers’ power-walk or run.

If this can become a routine, you may start thinking of this as a welcome and pleasant moment together.

Now there’s an idea…………

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